9 Steps to Help You Pop the Question Properly

9 Steps to Help You Pop the Question Properly

There’s a lot of pressure on men to make their wedding proposal special for their ladies. For the simple reason that loving someone and asking them to marry you are two different things.

It might seem simple but it’s the beginning of a new journey. So, keeping this in mind, here are a few steps that should help you pop the question properly:

1: Make it Meaningful

While it shouldn’t be flimsy, it has to be meaningful. How you can do this is by remembering certain details about how you met, a favorite restaurant, when you first kissed, your first movie or song etc. This will definitely make it very special.

2: Decide whether it should be public or private

Before you make this decision, find out whether by asking her subtly. Even ask her friends and family who can keep a secret. It is a serious because this proposal is all about her. If you’re not sure which one, then make sure you propose in private.

3: Find out her schedule for the day

Make sure you find out what her plans are for the day. Once you do, then you can be sure that the proposal that you’ve planned won’t go in vain.

4: Pick an appropriate outfit

In not sounding vain, make sure you look good for this special day.

5: Have a backup plan

This is really up to. No explanation necessary.

6: Get a photographer

This way you’ll have memories to keep and share with other people if you want.

7: No Need For It To Be Expensive

While you can have photos and videos, it doesn’t have to be expensive. As mentioned earlier, you can share them with people you love. But it doesn’t have to be more than a few hundred dollars.

8: Avoid a Script, Go With An Idea

It’s important to think ahead of time. Most importantly, stick to three things. More than that could be sensory overload.

9: Don’t Expect Perfection

Something unexpected is bound to happen. Ensure you laugh it off. This is real life – not some rom-com.